
The Fiori stroller is distinguished by its simplicity, durability and safety. A stroller with the possibility of detaching the seat from the frame, folding the frame with and without the seat. The trolley is adapted to the installation of a car seat. Available in four versions with different mattress colors.

Seat Unit

Possibility to mount the stroller forward or backward facing. It has adjustable footrest and backrest adjustment. The seat is equipped with 4-point seat belts. The raised booth is equipped with a window and an additional wedge to protect the child from the wind.

Always remember to use a fastening system!

stroller dimensions
length.  95cm
height. 68cm
width. 43cm

seat uniondimensions
length. 60cm
height.. 50cm
width. 30cm
weight. 3,0 kg



Light and easy to fold / unfold frame made of aluminum elements. Removable gel wheels, front swivel wheels with straight-ahead lock system. The structure has an adjustable handle, a capacious basket, a central brake and a blockade of the self-unfolding of the frame.

wymiary stelaż
length.  95cm
height. 98cm
width. 60cm

dimensions folded frame
length.  80cm
height. 28cm
width. 60cm
weight. 3,9 kg

dimensions of the folded frame with the seat union
length.  150cm
heigh. 30cm
width. 60cm
weight. 9,4 kg


fio 01

fio 02

fio 03

fio 04



Dimension & weight

3,0 kg
6,4 kg
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